Cercasi artista


Bergamo (BG)
I am a vocalist with experience in several repertoires, I am looking for ladies about my age, at least 50 years old, who have a desire to sing and form a small vocal ensemble, at first for our own enjoyment and eventually, if the project is successful and we all agree, to perform at events. I am Italian but would love to form an international and culturally rich group and this is the reason I am writing in English. I am looking for people in my area, that is Bergamo/Milan. Suggestions for repertoire are appreciated. Any vocal type is welcomed; low voices are highly desirable since I am a soprano. I am very looking forward to your answers.
Dettagli del profilo cercato:
Città: Bergamo (BG)
Tipo di artista: Cantante
Età minima: 50 anni
Sesso: F
Annuncio creato il: 02/07/2024
Ultima modifica: 02/07/2024
Visualizzazioni: 190
Foto Profilo


Boltiere (BG)