For The Storms
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For The Storms

Band di inediti
Info generiche
Mazzano (BS) - IT
Anno fondazione 2019
5 componenti
Età media 25 anni
Livello: Professionista
Date e Statistiche
Ultimo accesso: 26/02/2024
Su Villaggio dal: 03/06/2022
Ultima modifica: 30/05/2023

Followers: 2
Visite: 314
Doom metal
Death metal
Disponibili per: Concerti
Leonardo Cassago
Omar Stevan
For The Storms is a doom death metal band born in 2019 in Brescia. The name suggests a feeling of overwhelming discomfort and acceptance coming from the awareness of the shape of life itself, a dirge for darker times. Topics are bereavement, visions of afterlife and introspection and it defines a step-by-step journey across a grief-torn mind.



Discografia e Repertorio

The Grieving Path
The Grieving Path
5 tracce

Info tecniche e logistiche

Durata show: 00:50

Durata set up: 00:25

Durata soundcheck: 00:15