TEA SET - Pink Floyd Experience
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TEA SET - Pink Floyd Experience

Tribute Band
Info generiche
Selvazzano Dentro (PD) - IT
Date e Statistiche
Ultimo accesso: 05/12/2024
Su Villaggio dal: 05/06/2024
Ultima modifica: 05/12/2024

Followers: 0
Visite: 185
Rock progressivo
Rock psichedelico
Rock anni 60
Rock anni 70
Dagli esordi degli anni '60 al '79 con suites di lusso e ampie parti degli album 'storici'



Discografia e Repertorio

Pink Floyd - Astronomy domine
Pink Floyd - Obscured by the clouds
Pink Floyd - When you're in
Pink Floyd - Celestial voices
Pink Floyd - Echoes
Pink Floyd - Atom heart mother
Pink Floyd - The dark side of the moon - Breathe (in the air)
Pink Floyd - The dark side of the moon - Time
Pink Floyd - The dark side of the moon - Money
Pink Floyd - The dark side of the moon - Any colour you like
Pink Floyd - The dark side of the moon - Brain damage
Pink Floyd - The dark side of the moon - Eclipse
Pink Floyd - One of these days
Pink Floyd - Shine on you crazy diamond
Pink Floyd - The Wall - In the flesh?
Pink Floyd - The Wall - The thin ice
Pink Floyd - The Wall - Another brick in the wall part1
Pink Floyd - The Wall - The happiest days of our lives
Pink Floyd - The Wall - Another brick in the wall part2
Pink Floyd - The Wall - Goodbye cruel world
Pink Floyd - The Wall - Hey you
Pink Floyd - Coumfortably numb

Info tecniche e logistiche